At Enliven Coaching we promise not one of our sessions will ever be the same.
That's what you can expect at Enliven.
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Functional strength is an essential for our timetable and a great class for both beginners and athletes. Challenge your mobility, strength, balance and range of motion. Functional strength focuses on improving your daily activities and living pain free. It can also help to reduce the risk of injury by improving overall coordination and mobility.
This class is focused on basic lifts and packs a punch. With loads of variety but also still focusing on the simple lifts to help you build strength and muscle mass. More muscle burns more body fat, not only that the internal benefits of strength training are more than beneficial. Gone are the days of hours of cardio, we choose strength training for fat loss and better health.
This class is a conditioning class with more machine based training, high volume exercises, body weight activities and lighter loads. A great cardio class to begin with at EC. These classes are usually solo or in pairs. This class prepares the foundations for our flatline classes.
The OG class of Enliven. This class has been running for 4 years and it’s still an all time favourite. A mixture of high intensity cardio and weights in teams of 2 or 3. This class is great for the everyday athlete or retired sports players craving a bit of competition along with team work that they crave.
FNLS is a mash up session from the week working in small groups. We celebrate our week ending with a sweat session, hang outs and good music. Sometimes after class we have a community beach swim for a cool down.
Blackout is inspired by EC games competition and team training. Working in larger mixed teams of 3 & 4 focusing on strategy, team work and communication. This class is designed to push your limits and have your team backing you all the way. No one is silent in this class everyone motivates each other. This class is great for fitness enthusiasts to bring that competition edge into their training with like minded people.